There are wild turkeys in alberta

So you might be wondering if you can find wild turkeys in Alberta. There are wild boars, horses, and many other animals that run feral in the province of Alberta. 

But are there Wild Turkeys roaming around in Alberta?

Are there wild turkeys in Alberta?

Yes, there are wild turkeys in Alberta.

Wild turkeys were brought to Alberta in 1962 with the aim of generating fresh prospects for game-bird hunting and observing wildlife.

Subsequently, self-sustaining populations of wild turkeys have taken root in southern Alberta and are subject to controlled hunting through a limited draw system.

They almost became extinct in the 1900s because of habitat loss and overhunting. Fortunately, people started working to save them and now they’re doing better than ever.

You might have seen pictures of wild turkeys before – they’re pretty big and have some pretty cool feathers.

Males have iridescent feathers and a big, fan-shaped tail, while females are more drab but still pretty interesting.

Where are there wild turkeys in Alberta?

If you’re hoping to spot some wild turkeys on your visit to Alberta, there are a few places you might want to check out.

Provincial parks and nature reserves like Writing-on-Stone, Elk Island National Park, and Kananaskis Country are all good options.

And if you’re feeling adventurous, you might even find some wild turkeys on private land or in rural areas.

Just remember, these are wild animals, so it’s important to keep your distance and not approach or feed them.

With a little bit of luck, you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of these impressive birds during your visit to Alberta. Happy turkey-spotting!

In Summary

  • There are wild turkeys in Alberta, Canada
  • You might find them in Provincial parks and nature reserves like Writing-on-Stone, Elk Island National Park, and Kananaskis Country
  • They are feral animals, so be cautious approaching them 

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