black rifle with scope and brown gig bag. Talking about the various age limits for hunting in alberta.

How Old Do You Need to Be to Hunt in Alberta?

Hunting is a cherished tradition in Alberta, deeply embedded in the province’s heritage. It’s not just a sport but a way of connecting with nature and understanding the significance of wildlife conservation. For many budding hunters and their guardians, the age requirement for hunting in Alberta is a crucial query. Let’s explore the age criteria…

raw beef on beige wooden surface. Discussing the Canadian beef grades in Alberta AAA grades.
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What is ’AAA’ Beef in Alberta?

Alberta, renowned for its premium beef, has a grading system that ensures consumers get the quality they expect. But what exactly does the ‘AAA’ grade signify, and how does it differ from other beef grades? What Does ‘AAA’ Beef Mean in Alberta? ‘AAA’ beef is a Canadian beef grading that denotes a high level of…

photo of a beaver. we are answering the question “can you shoot beavers in alberta?”.

Is it Legal to Shoot Beavers in Alberta?

Beavers are known for their industrious nature and dam-building skills and play a vital role in Alberta’s ecosystem. They create wetlands, provide habitats for various species, and assist in water purification. However, their activities can sometimes lead to challenges, especially when they cause flooding or property damage. This raises the question: “Is it legal to…

bamboo stick lot in gray galvanized buckets. Can you grow bamboo in alberta? yes you can.

Can You Grow Bamboo in Alberta?

Bamboo, a plant often associated with tropical and subtropical regions, has a versatile nature that allows it to adapt to various climates. While Alberta’s colder temperatures might seem unsuitable for bamboo, specific cold-hardy varieties can indeed thrive in the province. But how feasible is it, and what should potential growers know? Can You Grow Bamboo…

fireworks display at night like those seen on Canada day on july 1st every year in alberta.

Are Fireworks Legal in Alberta?

Fireworks can light up the night sky with a dazzling display of colours and patterns. Especially on Canada Day on July 1st every year. But in Alberta, as with many places, there are specific regulations governing their use. Let’s take a closer look into the rules and regulations surrounding fireworks in Alberta, with a particular…

mailbox in front of house. A civic address in Alberta is a basic address.

What is a Civic Address in Alberta?

Navigating through Alberta’s vast landscapes and urban centers, one might often encounter the term “civic address.” This standardized format is essential for various purposes, from mail delivery to emergency services. But what components make up a civic address in Alberta? Let’s explore. What is a Civic Address in Alberta? A civic address, as outlined by…

a person holding white chicken on farm. We answer “how many chickens can you own without a quota?”

Can You Raise Chickens Without a Quota in Alberta?

In Alberta, the allure of raising chickens has captivated both urban and rural residents. Whether it’s for fresh eggs, meat, or the simple pleasure of poultry care, chickens have become a staple in many households. But there’s a term that often comes up in poultry discussions: “quota.” A quota system is designed to regulate the…

gray and black folding pocket knife on moss. Legality of carrying a pocket knife in Alberta, Canada.

Is it Legal to Carry a Pocket Knife in Alberta?

Carrying a pocket knife is a common practice for many individuals, especially those involved in outdoor activities, trades, and other professions. However, the legality surrounding the possession and carry of knives, especially in public places, often raises questions.  In Alberta, as in the rest of Canada, there are specific laws and regulations that address this…

an elderly doctor writing prescription or doctors note. Yes, an employer can request a doctors note or sick note of an employee in Alberta.

Can an Employer Ask for a Sick Note in Alberta?

Sick days are a common occurrence in the workplace, but can an employer in Alberta request a sick note from an employee? Let’s talk about the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees when it comes to doctors notes. Can an Employer Ask for a Sick Note in Alberta? Yes, in Alberta, employers can…