a smiling woman riding a motorcycle. a class 7 learner can drive a motorcycle with restrictions in alberta canada.

Can a Class 7 Learner’s Licence Holder Ride a Motorcycle in Alberta?

You may already be aware of the class 7 learners restrictions and rules when it comes to driving regular passenger vehicles. Especially the rule about needing a properly licensed supervisor in the front passenger seat. What about motorcycles? How does that work? Can a Class 7 Learner’s Licence Holder Ride a Motorcycle in Alberta? Motorcycle…

edmonton city landscape. Alberta’s population statistics.
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How Many People Live in Alberta?

Alberta has the 4th highest population of all the Canadian Provinces. The population continues to rise year over year. How many people live in Alberta? What is the population of Alberta? As of the first quarter of 2023, Alberta’s population is estimated to be 4,703,772, according to official government statistics. This represents a growth rate…

Eastern hognosed snake from wikipedia. Hognosed snakes are controlled in alberta.

Can You Own a Hognose Snake in Alberta?

The province of Alberta takes environmental and wildlife management very seriously. It is crucial to maintaining the proper balance in the ecosystem. This also extends to pet ownership, as animals can escape or be let loose, which is especially bad if it is an invasive species. There is also a general safety aspect to the…

close up photo of a brown caracal. It is not legal to own a pet caracal in alberta, canada unless you have special permits like a zoo.

Can you Legally Own a Pet Caracal in Alberta?

You can usually check the legality of certain animals as pets by seeing if they are on the Alberta Controlled Species list. If they are not on the list, and not under any other regulation like livestock or Canadian Migratory Birds Act, then chances are, you can own it (also check with local rules and…

otter in the grass. You can not have a pet otter in alberta, canada.

Can you own a Pet Otter in Alberta?

Whenever you are researching an animal you wish to own in Alberta, you can reference the controlled animals list. If an animal is on the list, it means you either need special permits and licensing (zoos, researchers, etc), or you just can’t have one at all. Of course, just because an animal is not on…

fishing landscape nature man. You can not keep sturgeon fish in alberta. Zero posession, catch and release only.

Can You Keep Sturgeon in Alberta?

Alberta is a province that takes great pride in protecting the wild life and their surrounding habitats. The population of various fish species are tracked and monitored carefully. The Alberta Guide to Sportfishing Regulations lists all the fish you can or can’t legally catch with your fishing license. What about Lake Sturgeon? Can You Keep…

alberta pine trees covered in snow. alberta winters get very cold.
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How Cold Does it Get in Alberta in the Winter?

Alberta can get very cold in the peak winter months of January and February. Especially the further North you go. This question can be answered in a couple of ways, such as coldest ever on record, and average temperatures. How cold does it usually get in Alberta Winter? A typical January or February winter day…

flying falcon i. the blue sky. You can not legally own a pet falcon in alberta, canada.

Can you Own a Falcon in Alberta?

Alberta has a controlled animals list. Anything on the list can’t be owned privately, or in some cases, only owned with special permits and permissions. When it comes to falcons, and other predatory birds, there’s an additional layer of regulations to consider. There is a country wide regulation known as the Canada Migratory Birds Act….