using a computer do run a credit check. landlords in alberta can legally run a credit check on a tenant with written consent.

Can Landlords do Credit Checks in Alberta? What information can they ask for?

Landlords often need to assess the financial reliability of potential tenants. Therefore, landlords have the right to conduct credit checks on prospective tenants. However, this right comes with certain conditions and requirements. Here’s what you need to know about tenant credit checks and the information landlords can request in Alberta. Can Landlords Conduct Credit Checks…

a person holding arm in pain. maybe a spider bite. Brown recluse spiders not generally found in alberta.

Are there Brown Recluse Spiders in Alberta?

The presence of Brown Recluse spiders in Alberta is a subject of curiosity and concern for many residents. Given the potentially harmful nature of this spider, it’s important to set the facts straight. Many people claim to have seen them in southern Alberta, such as Calgary. Perhaps they have, as it is technically possible, but…

signing a contract. Does breaking a lease in alberta mean the landlord can keep the security deposit?

Can Landlord Keep Security Deposit for Breaking Lease in Alberta?

When it comes to renting residential premises, tenants often provide landlords with a security deposit as a form of financial protection. But what happens to this deposit if a tenant decides to break their lease? Can landlords keep the deposit in such cases? Let’s delve into the intricacies of security deposit retention and the relevant…

white and orange corn snake on log. You can legally own a pet corn snake in alberta canada

Can you Own a Corn Snake in Alberta?

The Province of Alberta has rules and restrictions on what animals you can or can’t own as a pet. They keep an official updated document that breaks them down by species and genus etc. They call this the Alberta Controlled Animals list. If it’s on the list, you can’t own it as a pet, though…

red and white stop sign. running a stop sign in alberta will get you 3 demerits.

How Many Demerits for Running a Stop Sign in Alberta

The long list of demerit points handed out for every traffic violation can be found in something called the Alberta Demerit Points Program. It is a part of the Alberta Traffic Safety Act. Here is the entire demerits program document You will find everything about demerits in general, as well as the detailed list by…

texting and driving on smartphone in car. Texting and driving is worth 3 demerit points and a fine in alberta, canada.

How Many Demerits for Texting and Driving in Alberta?

Alberta has a list of demerit points per traffic violation list. It’s a part of the Alberta Traffic Safety Regulations called the “Alberta Demerits Points Program”. It lays out everything you need to know about demerits, followed by the detailed list of all the demerits. Source: See the Demerits Points Program document here So what…

pet serval cat in enclosure. You can not legally own a serval cat in alberta, canada.

Are servals allowed as pets in Alberta?

Any time you want to find out if a particular animal is legal to have as a pet, you can check something called the Alberta Controlled animals list. It breaks down controlled animals by species, genus etc. If it’s on the list, you can’t have one, except for rare cases where you have special permits…

peacock standing among green grass in nature in daytime. You are allowed to own a pet peacock legally in alberta canada.

Can You Own a Pet Peacock in Alberta?

There are many types of birds listed in the Alberta Controlled animals regulation. For reference, there are other animals on the list as well. “Controlled” simply means you need special permissions to own one, if you can own one at all. See the entire controlled animals document here So what about peacocks? Are they on…

photo of scorpion on woman s face. You can legally own a pet scorpion in alberta canada
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Can You Keep a Pet Scorpion in Alberta?

You can check a list of Alberta controlled animals to see if your desired creature is on it. If you don’t feel like scrolling through the document to find out about scorpions, we will help you with that here. The Alberta controlled animals list is a compilation of animals sorted by type and genus. If…