toy police figurines. Driving without insurance in alberta will add 3 demerits to your driving record.

How Many Demerits for Driving Without Insurance in Alberta?

The Alberta Demerits Points program lists all the demerit totals for each traffic violation. We can link to the entire document. Alberta Demerits Points program But if you don’t want to scroll through the entire document, we will specifically talk about demerits for no insurance or other similar traffic violations. What does the demerits points…

car odometer showing speed. In alberta, canada, demerits for speeding tickets depends on how fast you were speeding.

How Many Demerits for Speeding in Alberta?

The number of demerits added to your driving record for various traffic violations can be found in a section of the Alberta Traffic Safety Act. It is important to know about these demerit amounts, as you are allowed a maximum number of them in a 2 year period before facing further legal consequences. So how…

contract lease deal handshake at desk. Ending a lease in alberta notice times vary by lease.

How much notice is required for ending a lease in Alberta?

The Alberta Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is a legal document that lays out all these types of laws and rules. When it comes to giving notice for ending a lease, it all boils down to the type of lease and who is giving notice (The landlord or the tenant). Review the Alberta RTA here So…

getting arrested with hand cuffs. You will get 7 demerits in alberta for drinking and driving.

How many demerits for a DUI in Alberta?

The Alberta Demerits Points program is a section of the Alberta Traffic Safety Act. It details the various violations that lead to demerits. It’s important to know this information to stay within the legal limits. Generally speaking, you need to stay under 15 points in a 2 year span. There are other stipulations as well,…

hand holding seat belt. A seatbelt ticket will add 2 demerit points to your driving record in alberta canada

How many demerits for not wearing a seatbelt in Alberta?

The Alberta Traffic Safety Act lays out the demerits you get for road violations. More specifically, there is a separate section known as the Alberta Demerit Points program. This lists out the demerit points for every single traffic violation. So what about a seatbelt violation? How many demerits would you get for not wearing a…

fishing on the river bank. You can catch 2 northern pike per day in alberta, canada.

Can You Keep Northern Pike in Alberta?

Northern Pike are not considered endangered in Alberta. They are categorized as ”secure”. However, there are still limits and regulations on how many you can catch and keep. The various catch limits and identification charts can be found in the Alberta Guide to Sportfishing regulations here. The catch limits vary by management zone: How many…

woman holding ferret. You can legally own a pet ferret in alberta, canada.

Are Ferrets Allowed as Pets in Alberta?

At the provincial level, Alberta has a controlled animals list that details all the animal species you can’t own as pets. We will link to this document below for your reference. If the animal you wish to own is on the controlled animals list, then you can’t. If it’s not on the list, then it’s…

red traffic light by a bridge. Running a red light in alberta is 3 demerit points.

How many demerits do you get for running a red light in Alberta?

As you likely already know, different traffic violations will lead to various different amounts of demerits. These demerits accumulate on your driving record, and if you get too many in too short of a time, you can face legal consequences. It’s important to be aware of these demerits and how they work so you can…

a close up shot of a long tailed chinchilla playing cards. you can legally own a pet chinchilla in alberta canada.

Are Chinchillas Legal Pets in Alberta?

You may already be aware of a PDF available from the government of Alberta regards to controlled animals. If not, we will link it below. It is handy to reference for these types of questions. This controlled animals list lays out every animal by type, family and genus that is considered “controlled”. If the animal…