close up of tarantula. You can legally own a pet tarantula in alberta, canada.

Is Owning a Pet Tarantula Allowed in Alberta?

Alberta has strict regulations on pet and wildlife ownership and management. You may be familiar with a document we discuss on this site frequently. It is the Alberta Controlled animals list PDF. These are animals that are categorized by type and species etc. If it’s on the list, it is controlled. If it’s controlled then…

hedgehog resting in hands. you can legally own hedgehogs as a pet in alberta, canada.

Are hedgehogs allowed as pets in Alberta?

The Alberta provincial government maintains a list of animals that are restricted or controlled. It is broken down by type, species and genus. A controlled animal is one that can’t be owned at all, or only in special cases like zoos or research. There was a time a few decades ago that hedgehogs were illegal…

fishing in the evening off a rock. You can catch walleye in certain alberta lakes, but not all.
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Can You Keep Walleye in Alberta?

Alberta is well known for regulations and management when it comes to wildlife and nature in general. You must be up to date on what you can hunt or fish, as the rules change based on the conservation status at that time. Can you keep Walleye Fish you catch in Alberta? You can keep Walleye…

woman wearing red and black checkered dress shirt and beige fedora hat holding canada flag looking at lake. You can drive in alberta for 90 days with out of province license.

Can you drive in Alberta with an Ontario license?

There are no issues with interprovincial driving in Canada in general, but there are some things to know. Let’s explore the question “Can you drive in Alberta with an Ontario license?” Can you drive in Alberta with an Ontario license? The short answer is yes, but only for a limited time. If you are just…

lemur in tree. You can not own a pet lemur in alberta.

Can You Own Lemurs or Flying Lemurs in Alberta?

The Alberta government keeps a list of controlled animals. These are animals that are either completely restricted, or only allowed under special circumstances with proper licensing and permissions. The controlled animals document details every controlled animal, categorized by type and species. Can I own a lemur or flying lemurs in Alberta? Flying Lemurs are different…

gecko on a stone. You can own a skink lizard legally in alberta.

Can You Legally Own a Pet Skink Lizard in Alberta?

The province of Alberta keeps an updated document that lists all the controlled animals. It’s a relatively short document that details the animals by family and species. If the animal you desire to own is on the list, then it is controlled. This means you either need special legal privileges to own one, or it’s…

fisherman throwing fish net on lake. You can legally harvest up to 10 barbot ling fish in alberta.
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Can You Harvest Burbot (Ling) in Alberta?

The Alberta provincial government regularly updates rules and regulations on hunting and fishing as needed. Alberta takes wildlife and environmental management very seriously. Anything discussed here can change at any moment, and we will try our best to keep this information fresh. Burbot fish or “ling”, is a freshwater fish species found in cold-water habitats…

close up of woman holding a hamster or gerbil in hands. It is legal to have a pet gerbil or hamster in alberta.

Can You Legally Own Pet Gerbils in Alberta?

Alberta has strict policies and regulations when it comes to animal ownership. The province is well known for its environmental and wildlife management. In fact, Alberta is world famous for being rat free. The Alberta Controlled animals document is a legal list of animals that are either outright banned, or require special permissions. Source: Alberta…

man on fishing boat. Culling fish beyond possession limits is illegal in alberta

Is Culling Fish Allowed in Alberta Waters?

Fish culling is essentially the act of keeping your catch alive in a stringer, live well, or holding device of some kind while you continue fishing. The idea is that you could release it back into the water if you catch something more desirable, while staying within your catch limit. There are confusions on this…