Person with tattoo holding a cigarette. You can’t smoke or vape on a balcony in alberta.

Can I Smoke on my Apartment Balcony in Alberta?

Alberta has laws that determine where you can smoke or vape. Some towns and cities have their own smoking and vaping laws as well. When the provincial and municipal smoking law is in conflict, the more restrictive law takes precedent. Can I Smoke or Vape on my Apartment Balcony in Alberta? No, you can not…

The great horned owl is the official bird of Alberta.
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What is Alberta’s Official Bird?

Alberta has many emblems. The are official Provincial animals, colours, fish, grasses, stones, tartans, trees and birds. What is Alberta’s Official bird? The official bird of Alberta is the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus). The owl was adopted as the Provincial bird on May 3, 1977. This was the result of a student vote across…

Construction digging. Alberta gas lines should be buried at least 24 inches deep.

How Deep are Gas Lines Buried in Alberta?

Gas lines and other utilities can be buried anywhere. It is important to take it seriously before doing construction and digging. If you are the one doing the burying, it is important to meet or exceed the legal depths for the safety of future generations. What is the minimum depth to bury gas lines in…

maxillofacial jaw surgery is covered by alberta health care if deemed medically necessary.

Is Jaw Surgery Covered by Alberta Health Care?

In general, the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) covers pretty much everything that is deemed medically necessary. It also partially covers many other specific medical services. Is jaw surgery covered by Alberta Health Care? Yes, jaw surgery is covered by the Alberta Health Care Plan if it is deemed medically necessary by your physician….

Direct Cremation costs in alberta.

How Much Does Cremation Cost in Alberta?

There are different types of cremation services, and many funeral service providers in Alberta. This makes it tricky to pinpoint one exact cost. How much does cremation cost in Alberta? The average cost of basic cremation services in Alberta is $1,222 CAD. This is for the most basic cremation service called ”Direct Cremation”. No ceremonies…

Alberta averages around 9 or 10 tornadoes annually.

How Many Tornadoes in Alberta?

Mother Nature is wildly unpredictable. Especially in the Alberta. There are many variables that affect weather patterns in this region. How many tornadoes are there in Alberta? Alberta averages around 10 tornadoes per year. This is a 4 year average from 2018 to 2021. The actual average is 9.75. These are confirmed tornadoes in Alberta…