adorable pitbull dog with its tongue out. There is no ban on pit bulls in alberta canada.

Are Pitbulls Illegal in Alberta?

Pitbulls are a controversial breed of dog. If a pitbull attacks, it can be dangerous, and sometimes lethal. Some people blame the breed, some people blame the owners, and some people blame both. There is no outright ban on pitbulls across Canada. The laws and bylaws are up to individual jurisdictions. Are pitbulls illegal in…

Pharmacist working in the lab. Alberta pharmacists can prescribe uti medication.

Can Alberta Pharmacists Prescribe Antibiotics for UTI?

There are certain prescriptions that pharmacists are allowed to take care of directly.  This helps to alleviate the pressure on doctors in clinics and emergency rooms.  There are limitations to what they are qualified to prescribe.  Can pharmacists prescribe antibiotics for a UTI? Yes, Pharmacists can prescribe antibiotics for UTI in Alberta. In fact, pharmacists…

buildings in shape of canada maple leaf. Canada day is a stat holiday in alberta canada.
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Is Canada Day (July 1st) a Stat Holiday in Canada?

Canada Day, celebrated every July 1st, is more than just a day off—it’s a day of national pride. In Alberta, this holiday holds special significance for both employees and employers. Let’s explore what this statutory holiday means in Alberta and how it compares to other provinces. Is Canada Day a Statutory Holiday in Alberta? Yes,…

mole removal doctor and patient. Medically necessary mole removal is covered by alberta health care.

Is Mole Removal Covered by Alberta Health Care?

Alberta Health Care covers most services that are deemed medically necessary. When it comes to mole removal, it is no different. Is mole removal covered by Alberta Health Care? Yes, mole removal is covered if it is deemed to have an atypical presentation and abnormal histology under the microscope. The consultation and mole removal will…

close up photo of turtle. Most turtles are legal in alberta.

What Turtles are Legal in Alberta?

Alberta has restrictions on certain animals you can own or keep as pets. There is a master list of all the controlled animals you can check before getting one of these animals as a pet. Here is the Alberta controlled animals list. In regards to turtles, we went through the controlled animals list so you…

oil pump jack in the oil field. Alberta has a lot of oil because of the oil sands.
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Why is there So Much Oil in Alberta?

Canada has the 3rd most oil reserves in the world. The vast majority of Canada’s oil reserves are in Alberta. Therefore, Alberta is the main reason Canada ranks so high. Why is there so much oil in Alberta? Alberta has so much oil because of the abundant amount of oil sands, mostly in the Athabasca…

serval with spots in nature. It is legal to own an f4 savannah cat in Alberta Canada.

Are Savannah Cats Legal in Alberta?

Savannah cats are legal in most of Canada, but it depends how “wild” they are. Most provinces have restrictions based on the Filial System. It’s generally illegal to own a wild African Serval cat. Savannah cats are hybrids of serval cats and house cats. Your Savannah Cat needs to be multiple generations removed from the…

Alberta symbol. Alberta had the most residential schools.
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How Many Residential Schools Were in Alberta?

The Indigenous Residential School program operated in Canada from 1893 to 1996. Most of these boarding schools were located in Western Canada. Truth and Reconciliation Day was established to acknowledge and commemorate the tragic legacy of residential schools in Canada. This significant day honours the memory of the children who never made it back home…

Toyota in the snow. Studded tires are legal in Alberta Canada.

Are Studded Tires Legal in Alberta?

Studded Tires and Chains can be very helpful for traction on Alberta roads. Living in the frozen North has challenges like deep wet snow, and black ice. Many places in the world, including some parts of Canada have restrictions on using studded tires or chains. The main concern is usually the damage they cause to…