a person holding lottery tickets. you can buy lotto tickets online legally in alberta.

Can I Buy Lottery Tickets Online in Alberta?

The AGLC (Alberta Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis) followed in the footsteps of other Canadian provinces in May of 2021. They allowed for regulated online gambling. Can you buy lottery tickets online in Alberta? The answer is yes, you can buy lotto tickets safely and securely online in Alberta. You have to prove you are 18…

there are no tax credits in alberta for rent. You can claim rent if you are a business or work from home in alberta canada.

Can I Claim My Rent on My Taxes in Alberta?

This is one of those general questions that comes down to ”it depends”. The main difference is wether the rent is for personal use, business or a clergy. Can you deduct your rent on your taxes in Alberta? No, you can’t claim your personal rent as a tax deduction in Alberta. However, you can claim…

brown deer on brown grass field. big game hunting in alberta. Metis people do not require typical licensing to hunt or fish in alberta.

Can Metis Hunt in Alberta Without a License?

Canada has a section of the 1982 Constitution act, known as section 35. This section speaks specifically to the rights of the aboriginal community. Aboriginal by this definition includes the Inuit, Indian, and Metis people of Canada. It is designed to help preserve the traditional way of life of these communities, which includes the right…

hunter in winter forest. you can hunt on crown land in alberta.

Can You Hunt on Crown Land in Alberta?

The majority of Alberta’s land is considered Crown Land. In fact, crown land accounts for approximately 100 million acres. The purpose of this land is to protect the natural integrity of the land. This includes the protection and management of wildlife populations. Can you hunt on Crown Land in Alberta? Yes, you can hunt on…

Yes cancer treatments are covered by Alberta Health Care.

Does Alberta Health Care Cover Cancer Treatment?

In general, the Alberta health care system covers most things deemed medically necessary, especially in a hospital setting or other medical facility under contract by the provincial government. Costs outside of these parameters are either out of pocket, or covered by health insurance. Is cancer treatment covered by Alberta Health Care? Yes, cancer out patients…

hunter carrying a gun. you can hunt black bears in alberta.

Can You Hunt Bears in Alberta?

Alberta has very rigid rules and regulations on what wildlife can be hunted and where. These regulations are for management of populations of species and other environmental reasons. What about bears? Can you hunt bears in Alberta? The answer is yes, you can hunt bears in Alberta. However, you can only hunt black bears, and…