Most Hospital visit and stay services are covered by alberta health care.

Are Emergency Rooms Free? 

The Alberta Health Care Insurance plan (AHCIP), covers most medically necessary services in the province. Are emergency rooms free in Alberta? Yes, Emergency Rooms are free in Alberta. They are covered by Alberta Health Care. However, there are some exceptions. Here is a breakdown of what is, and is not covered by Alberta Health Care…

physiotherapy is covered in Alberta, but not for everything.

Alberta Physios Coverage Information

Physio is short for physiotherapy.  Just like most aspects of the Alberta Health Care Program, determining what is and is not covered can be complex.  In general, Alberta Health Care covers most “medically necessary” things, but of course, many of these things can be debated. So what about physiotherapy? Is it covered by Alberta Health…

Minerals and crystals. Yes, there are geodes in Alberta for gem hunting.

Are There Geodes In Alberta?

Alberta’s vast amounts of protected natural areas is perfect for exploring. One popular type of exploring is rock hunting. Are there geodes in Alberta? Yes, there are plenty of geodes in Alberta. The Red Deer River is a popular destination for gem hunters. Alberta has a wide range of crystals and minerals, such as geodes,…

psychologist talking to a patient. No, psychologists are not free in alberta.

Are Psychologists Free In Alberta?

Before answering this question, it is important to point out that there is a difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is an M.D. This allows them to prescribe medications. A psychologist is not a medical doctor, and can not prescribe medications. Obviously, there are a lot more differences than this. Read about…

doctor writing notes. doctor notes are not free in alberta.

The Costs for Alberta Doctors Notes

Sometimes an employer may request a doctor note as company policy for illness or injuries. When employees are using large amounts of doctor’s time and resources to acquire these notes, the consequence is a fee. Are doctors notes free in Alberta? No, doctors notes are not free in Alberta. Most doctors charge a fee of…