doctor preparing for vasectomy. Vasectomies are covered by alberta health care.

Are Vasectomies Covered by Alberta Health Care?

The Alberta Health Care Program can be nuanced when it comes to what is covered or not covered. In general, the main idea is to cover urgent and medically necessary procedures, but not things deemed voluntary or cosmetic. That being said, there is a lot of grey area and overlap, and it’s not perfectly black…

traditional japanese garden with lanterns. Japanese maple trees can be grown in alberta.

Will Japanese Maple Grow In Alberta?

Japanese Maples are a desirable landscaping choice as they add colour and only grow to, at most, 25 feet tall. But what if you live in a colder climate like Alberta? Especially northern Alberta, like Edmonton and beyond? Will Japanese Maple Grow in Alberta? Yes, Japanese Maple will grow in Alberta. They are a tough…

wedding photo bride and groom kissing. You can not get married at city hall in Alberta.

Can You Get Married At City Hall?

You might be looking to quickly get a marriage done with no ceremony, and there are a variety of legitimate reasons for doing this.  It is possible to just get the documentation done without a fancy party in Alberta.  But what about actually getting married at city hall in an Alberta City? Can you get…

caribou in Alberta in the winter snow

Are There Any Caribou In Alberta?

Alberta is well known for its diverse wildlife. Government bodies have dedicated funding to preserving vast areas of nature that is managed and controlled. Are there any caribou in Alberta? Yes, there are Caribou in Alberta. In fact they are a protected form of wildlife in Alberta, which means you can not hunt them. There…

midwife carrying baby. midwives are free in alberta.

Are Midwives Free?

Midwifery has steadily increased over the past decade or so, especially since 2009 when midwives became fully funded by the Alberta government. Are midwives free in Alberta? Yes, midwives are free in Alberta. Millions of dollars have been spent recently to expand the relationship between AHS and the Alberta Association of Midwives. It is important…

man in white dress shirt holding smartphone

The Legality of Hands Free Devices In Alberta

Alberta has many distracted driving laws that can get you a large fine if you violate them. You might be surprised that some actions that most people would describe as “distractions” are actually legal. Are hands free devices legal in Alberta? When it comes to hands free devices, yes, they are legal in Alberta while…

Female being vaccinated. Flu shots are free at pharmacies in Alberta.

Are Flu Shots Free At Pharmacies In Alberta?

You may already know that public AHS clinics and doctors provide flu shots for free, provided by tax payer funding, but what about pharmacies? Are Flu shots free at pharmacies in Alberta? Yes, the flu shot is free at pharmacies in Alberta. Most pharmacies and other approved private clinics offer a free shot for all…

rosary on top of opened bible book. Catholic Schools are free in Alberta.

Are Catholic Schools Free?

Canadian Catholic Schooling is available in Alberta, Northwest Territories and the Yukon. It is faith based education that weaves religious teachings into the curriculum. Are Catholic schools free in Alberta? Catholic schools are free to attend in Alberta, as they are publicly funded. Catholic schools are funded by the government, have their own school board,…

alberta legislature meeting gallery plan your visit

Are Alberta Legislature Meetings Free To Attend? 

The Alberta Legislature building in Edmonton Alberta is a publicly funded building that is generally open to the public. Many provincial government meetings and processes take place there. You can witness these meetings in person or online. Can you attend Alberta legislature meetings for free in Alberta? It is free to attend Alberta Legislature meetings…