alberta legislature meeting gallery plan your visit

Are Alberta Legislature Meetings Free To Attend? 

The Alberta Legislature building in Edmonton Alberta is a publicly funded building that is generally open to the public. Many provincial government meetings and processes take place there. You can witness these meetings in person or online. Can you attend Alberta legislature meetings for free in Alberta? It is free to attend Alberta Legislature meetings…

Doctor with stethoscope. Circumcisions are not free in Alberta.

Are Circumcisions Free?

There are many reasons to conduct a circumcision. Religious purposes, general preference and medical need. Depending on ages and reasons, the costs will vary accordingly. Are Circumcisions Free in Alberta? Generally speaking, no, circumcisions are not free in Alberta. There may be exceptions for urgent medical necessity according to your urologist, in which case, a…

man standing on a rock. Alberta provincial parks are not free.
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Are Alberta Provincial Parks Free?

Alberta has over 450 parks managed by the the Provincial Government. These parks vary in sizes and amenities. Depending on the facilities and amenities available to the public, there is a wide range of fees to support the operation and maintenance costs. Are Alberta Provincial Parks Free? There is a bit of nuance to this…

african soft fur rat is legal to own as a pet in Alberta.

Are African Soft Fur Rats Legal In Alberta?

Alberta has very strict anti-rat policies and wildlife management laws. Rats have been outlawed in Alberta since the 1950s. However, as far as African Soft Fur Rats go, are they legal in Alberta? Are African Soft Fur Rats Legal in Alberta? Yes, African Soft Fur Rats are legal in Alberta, because they are a different…

Tap water faucet. Restaurants are not legally required to provide free water.

Are Restaurants Legally Required To Provide Water For Free?

Some laws in Alberta can be a bit nuanced and need to be read carefully, as they contain caveats. This is one of those laws. Are restaurants legally obligated to give you free water in Alberta? The answer is no, a restaurant in Alberta does not legally have to give you free water. They do…

Holding up a green fishing lure on a lake. It is illegal to use live bait in Alberta.

Legalities of Using Live Bait In Alberta

The Alberta Guide To Sportfishing regulations contains a very extensive list of restrictions when it comes to angling, stocking, possessing and releasing fish and bait. Check out the full list of Alberta fishing regulations here. As far as the question of live bait in Alberta goes… Can you use live bait in Alberta? No, you…

Woman afraid of cockroach. Yes, there are cockroaches in Alberta.
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Everything you need to know about Alberta Cockroaches

Cockroaches are a common destructive pest that causes damage and health concerns around the world. Some places are far worse than others. Are there cockroaches in Alberta? The answer is yes, there are cockroaches in Alberta. The main type of cockroach being the German Cockroach. In fact, there was a sudden increase of cockroach related…

Canadian hunter posing with a bear statue. You can hunt on sundays in Alberta.
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Alberta Sunday Hunting Rules and Regulations

Alberta breaks the province into regions and zones. These zones have different rules and regulations when it comes to hunting and fishing. Can you hunt on Sunday in Alberta? The answer is yes, you can hunt on Sunday in Alberta, Canada, but only in designated WMUs that permit it. Reference the maps below to see…

everclear grain alcohol 95 percent alcohol 190 proof bottle. Yes you can buy everclear in alberta.

Legalities and availability of Everclear Alcohol

Everclear is a potent alcohol that is not to be taken lightly. In many cases, it is used as a strong cleaning agent. Everclear is illegal in many places around the world. Can you buy Everclear alcohol in Alberta? Yes, you can buy Everclear 190 proof grain alcohol in Alberta, Canada. Most major liquor stores…