Any animal you desire to own can be checked against the Alberta Controlled Animals List.
This is an official government wildlife management document that lists every controlled species in the province.
A controlled animal may be completely restricted, or allowed under special permissions, such as licensing or permits.
Most of the time, exceptions are only given to professional organizations like zoos.
Keep in mind that this is a provincial wide list. If your desired species is not on the list, there may be local bylaws that regulate it.
Are Moles on the Alberta controlled animals list?
Can you own a mole in Alberta?
No, you can not legally own a mole as a pet in Alberta.
Moles are listed on the Alberta Controlled Animals list. This means you can not generally own them as pets.

Complete Alberta Controlled Animals List
More specifically, the Moles (family talpudae)species officially listed are: Russian Desman moles, Pyrenean Desman moles, Altai (Siberian) Moles, Caucasian moles, European moles, Large moles, and Star-Nosed moles.
If your exact mole species is not listed, check your local authorities for further information to be sure.
See our list of other exotic pets that you can own as a pet in Alberta called What Exotic Pets Can You Legally Own in Alberta?
In Summary
- Moles are listed as controlled animals in Alberta, Canada
- Controlled animals are either restricted completely, or require special permits or licenses to own
- The controlled animals list is provincial. Municipalities may have their own additional bylaws and regulations to pay attention to