Many people would be surprised to learn that Alberta even has wild horses.
Indeed, there is a healthy population of feral horses near some western mountain ranges.
Read our previous post all about the Wild Horses of Alberta here.
But what about the capturing of Wild Horses? Can you catch feral horses in Alberta legally?
Can You Catch or Capture Wild Horses in Alberta?
You can legally capture a horse from the wild in Alberta, but only if you are licensed to do so, and follow the laws laid out in the Horse Capture Regulation of the Alberta Stray Animals Act.
Alberta Horse Capture Regulation
Horse Capture Licensing Eligibility
You can apply for special licensing to catch wild horses if you meet the following criteria:
A person is not eligible to apply for, obtain or hold a licence unless the person
(a) is an adult individual,
(b) is a Canadian citizen or has been lawfully admitted into Canada for permanent residence, and
(c) is, in the opinion of the Minister, a suitable person, with sufficient means and facilities at his disposal, to provide adequately for the welfare of horses.

In Summary
- It is possible to capture feral horses legally in Alberta.
- Only licensed citizens can capture wild horses.
- License holders must follow proper processes and humanely capture wild horses in accordance with the Alberta Stray Animals Act.