You have probably heard that it is illegal in Alberta to ride in the back of a truck.
Yet, you have seen people in the back of a pickup truck during a parade, or in a work truck doing a job.
So what’s the truth? Can you legally ride in the back of a pickup truck in Alberta?
Can You Ride in the Back of a Pickup Truck in Alberta?
It is illegal in Alberta for a passenger to ride on the outside of the vehicle, and this includes the back of a pickup truck.
There are specific exceptions in the law for certain work situations, parades, and other circumstances that require special approval.
When you are driving, you must not allow anyone to ride on the outside of your vehicle. This includes the open box of a pick up truck. You and the other person can be charged for this offence.
Here is the actual wording of the law according to the Alberta Traffic Safety Act:

A person shall not ride or permit any other person to ride on any portion of a motor vehicle that is outside of the passengers’ or driver’s cabin or cab of the motor vehicle.
There are some specific exceptions to the law that do allow you to ride in the bed of a pickup truck.
Exceptions to the Law
It is only legal to ride in the back of a pick up truck in the following scenarios:
- in those circumstances where the nature of the person’s occupation requires the person to ride in the box of a truck, or
- where the person is engaged or otherwise employed in agricultural, horticultural or livestock raising operations and riding in the box of a truck is directly related to one or more of those operations;
- in or on a fire-fighting vehicle;
- in or on a vehicle engaged in highway construction or maintenance;
- in or on a vehicle forming part of an entertainment exhibition that has been approved by the council of the municipality within which the exhibition is taking place;
- on a maintenance or service vehicle on which a special seat or stand has been affixed providing for the safety of the person so riding;
- in a mobile treatment centre module mounted on the back of a truck that meets the requirements for a commercial vehicle equipped with a mobile treatment centre module established in the Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation (AR 121/2009), for the purposes of transporting injured or ill workers
- from a work site to the nearest health care facility when an ambulance is not available, or
- to meet an ambulance.
As you can see, there are exceptions to the rule for work, parades or emergency situations, otherwise it is not legal to have passengers riding in the back of your truck.
For example: you can not just toss the kids in the back of the truck and head to the grocery store. You would likely receive a fine for doing so.
In Summary
- It is not legal to have passengers riding in the back of a pickup truck in Alberta.
- There are specific exceptions to the rule for things like parades, emergencies, and certain work activities.
- You can face fines for allowing passengers to ride on the outside of your vehicle.