serval with spots in nature. It is legal to own an f4 savannah cat in Alberta Canada.

Are Savannah Cats Legal in Alberta?

Savannah cats are legal in most of Canada, but it depends how “wild” they are. Most provinces have restrictions based on the Filial System. It’s generally illegal to own a wild African Serval cat. Savannah cats are hybrids of serval cats and house cats. Your Savannah Cat needs to be multiple generations removed from the…

Alberta symbol. Alberta had the most residential schools.
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How Many Residential Schools Were in Alberta?

The Indigenous Residential School program operated in Canada from 1893 to 1996. Most of these boarding schools were located in Western Canada. Truth and Reconciliation Day was established to acknowledge and commemorate the tragic legacy of residential schools in Canada. This significant day honours the memory of the children who never made it back home…

Toyota in the snow. Studded tires are legal in Alberta Canada.

Are Studded Tires Legal in Alberta?

Studded Tires and Chains can be very helpful for traction on Alberta roads. Living in the frozen North has challenges like deep wet snow, and black ice. Many places in the world, including some parts of Canada have restrictions on using studded tires or chains. The main concern is usually the damage they cause to…

man working full time job. 30 hours per week is full time employment in alberta.

What is the Minimum Hours for Full Time Employment in Alberta?

There is no legally set of hours that dictates full time or part time hours. Neither the Canadian Employment Code or the Alberta employment code. However, there is a generally accepted cut off point that most employers adhere to? How many hours are considered full time in Alberta? In Alberta, and most of Canada, Full…

Alberta sunshine on the beach.

When is Summer in Alberta Canada?

Some people believe Alberta, Canada is the ”frozen North”. Nothing but snow and ice and a little bit of sunshine. While it’s true that Alberta can have some pretty harsh winters, the springs, summers and falls can be quite warm and pleasant. When is summer in Alberta? Alberta summers are from June to September every…

edmonton is the capital city of alberta canada.
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What is the Capital City of Alberta, Canada? The Canadian City of Edmonton not Calgary

The capital city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is the home of the provincial government. It is the location of the Alberta Legislature Building where MLAs and the Premier meet to conduct governmental duties. Many people incorrectly assume that Calgary is the Alberta capital, as that City is the largest. That assumption is incorrect. What Alberta…

families spending time together. Family Day is a stat holiday in Alberta beginning in 1990.

Is Family Day a Stat Holiday in Alberta? 

Alberta recognizes the 9 statutory holidays as laid out by the Federal Government of Canada, also known as “General Holidays. These are holidays that are paid time off of work, or extra pay if you work. This applies to most Canadian workers, but there are exceptions. The 9 stat holidays are New Years Day, Good…

date calendar for holiday planning. You get paid for stat holidays in alberta, canada.
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Do I Get Paid For Stat Holidays In Alberta?

There are 9 statutory holidays in Alberta. They are federal holidays that are recognized provincially. These statutory holidays (stats), are also called General Holidays. These General Holidays are to be treated properly by employers according to the Employment Standards Code. Do I get paid for stat holidays in Alberta? The answer is yes, you get…

calendar dates paper schedule. Boxing day is not a paid stat holiday in alberta canada.

Is Boxing Day a Stat (Statutory) Holiday in Alberta?

Statutory holidays are also referred to as General Holidays. A general holiday, or stat holiday, are days that require employers to legally give an employee the day off with pay, or extra pay if they work. There are 9 Federal General Holidays in Canada, and more optional holidays that a province can deem a stat…

veterinarian holding a dog tail. It is legal to dock tails in alberta but banned by veterinary medical association.

Can You Dock Tails in Alberta?

The practise of animal tail docking is a topic of much debate among law makers, veterinarians, animal welfare organizations and breeders. There are a variety of reasons someone might dock animal tails. For example, the docking of pig tails prevents tail biting. Most of the debate about tail docking is in regards to dogs, and…