gray and white wolf. you can shoot wolves in alberta.
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Is it Legal to Shoot Wolves?

Alberta has very strict rules on what wildlife can be hunted. For example, you can’t hunt caribou in Alberta. But what about wolves? Can you shoot a wolf in Alberta? The answer is yes. A resident can shoot a wolf that’s on their private property. Especially if you are a rancher protecting your cattle from…

yes you can swim in ghost lake alberta.

Can You Swim in Ghost Lake Alberta? Is Ghost lake Clean?

Ghost Lake is one of many popular places to visit in the summer.  Can you swim in Ghost Lake Alberta? Yes, you can swim in Ghost Lake Alberta. The lake is clean glacier-melt fed water. While it’s safe and clean for swimming, it gets deep quickly, and the water is usually cold. It is rarely…

Alberta mountain road. No you can not buy crown land in Alberta.
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Can I Buy Alberta Crown Land?

The Alberta provincial government has control over a huge percentage of the land, to preserve the environment and wildlife.  This is to ensure the enjoyment of these natural areas by the people living in the province, and future generations. This land is known as “Crown Land”, and it’s not for sale. Can I Buy Crown…

Minerals and crystals. Yes, there are geodes in Alberta for gem hunting.

Are There Geodes In Alberta?

Alberta’s vast amounts of protected natural areas is perfect for exploring. One popular type of exploring is rock hunting. Are there geodes in Alberta? Yes, there are plenty of geodes in Alberta. The Red Deer River is a popular destination for gem hunters. Alberta has a wide range of crystals and minerals, such as geodes,…

pink smooth hydrangea flowers can grow in alberta.

Can Hydrangea Grow In Alberta?

There are many types of hydrangea, and sib types beyond those. The are many different colours as well. In general, two specific types of hydrangea seem to perform the best in Alberta. Can Hydrangea grow in Alberta? Yes, the Hydrangea plant can grow in Alberta, even in the colder northern regions of Alberta. The Smooth…

traditional japanese garden with lanterns. Japanese maple trees can be grown in alberta.

Will Japanese Maple Grow In Alberta?

Japanese Maples are a desirable landscaping choice as they add colour and only grow to, at most, 25 feet tall. But what if you live in a colder climate like Alberta? Especially northern Alberta, like Edmonton and beyond? Will Japanese Maple Grow in Alberta? Yes, Japanese Maple will grow in Alberta. They are a tough…

caribou in Alberta in the winter snow

Are There Any Caribou In Alberta?

Alberta is well known for its diverse wildlife. Government bodies have dedicated funding to preserving vast areas of nature that is managed and controlled. Are there any caribou in Alberta? Yes, there are Caribou in Alberta. In fact they are a protected form of wildlife in Alberta, which means you can not hunt them. There…

man standing on a rock. Alberta provincial parks are not free.
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Are Alberta Provincial Parks Free?

Alberta has over 450 parks managed by the the Provincial Government. These parks vary in sizes and amenities. Depending on the facilities and amenities available to the public, there is a wide range of fees to support the operation and maintenance costs. Are Alberta Provincial Parks Free? There is a bit of nuance to this…

Woman afraid of cockroach. Yes, there are cockroaches in Alberta.
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Everything you need to know about Alberta Cockroaches

Cockroaches are a common destructive pest that causes damage and health concerns around the world. Some places are far worse than others. Are there cockroaches in Alberta? The answer is yes, there are cockroaches in Alberta. The main type of cockroach being the German Cockroach. In fact, there was a sudden increase of cockroach related…