Most Hospital visit and stay services are covered by alberta health care.

Are Emergency Rooms Free? 

The Alberta Health Care Insurance plan (AHCIP), covers most medically necessary services in the province. Are emergency rooms free in Alberta? Yes, Emergency Rooms are free in Alberta. They are covered by Alberta Health Care. However, there are some exceptions. Here is a breakdown of what is, and is not covered by Alberta Health Care…

physiotherapy is covered in Alberta, but not for everything.

Alberta Physios Coverage Information

Physio is short for physiotherapy.  Just like most aspects of the Alberta Health Care Program, determining what is and is not covered can be complex.  In general, Alberta Health Care covers most “medically necessary” things, but of course, many of these things can be debated. So what about physiotherapy? Is it covered by Alberta Health…

psychologist talking to a patient. No, psychologists are not free in alberta.

Are Psychologists Free In Alberta?

Before answering this question, it is important to point out that there is a difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is an M.D. This allows them to prescribe medications. A psychologist is not a medical doctor, and can not prescribe medications. Obviously, there are a lot more differences than this. Read about…

doctor writing notes. doctor notes are not free in alberta.

The Costs for Alberta Doctors Notes

Sometimes an employer may request a doctor note as company policy for illness or injuries. When employees are using large amounts of doctor’s time and resources to acquire these notes, the consequence is a fee. Are doctors notes free in Alberta? No, doctors notes are not free in Alberta. Most doctors charge a fee of…

doctor preparing for vasectomy. Vasectomies are covered by alberta health care.

Are Vasectomies Covered by Alberta Health Care?

The Alberta Health Care Program can be nuanced when it comes to what is covered or not covered. In general, the main idea is to cover urgent and medically necessary procedures, but not things deemed voluntary or cosmetic. That being said, there is a lot of grey area and overlap, and it’s not perfectly black…

midwife carrying baby. midwives are free in alberta.

Are Midwives Free?

Midwifery has steadily increased over the past decade or so, especially since 2009 when midwives became fully funded by the Alberta government. Are midwives free in Alberta? Yes, midwives are free in Alberta. Millions of dollars have been spent recently to expand the relationship between AHS and the Alberta Association of Midwives. It is important…

Female being vaccinated. Flu shots are free at pharmacies in Alberta.

Are Flu Shots Free At Pharmacies In Alberta?

You may already know that public AHS clinics and doctors provide flu shots for free, provided by tax payer funding, but what about pharmacies? Are Flu shots free at pharmacies in Alberta? Yes, the flu shot is free at pharmacies in Alberta. Most pharmacies and other approved private clinics offer a free shot for all…

Doctor with stethoscope. Circumcisions are not free in Alberta.

Are Circumcisions Free?

There are many reasons to conduct a circumcision. Religious purposes, general preference and medical need. Depending on ages and reasons, the costs will vary accordingly. Are Circumcisions Free in Alberta? Generally speaking, no, circumcisions are not free in Alberta. There may be exceptions for urgent medical necessity according to your urologist, in which case, a…

Woman afraid of cockroach. Yes, there are cockroaches in Alberta.
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Everything you need to know about Alberta Cockroaches

Cockroaches are a common destructive pest that causes damage and health concerns around the world. Some places are far worse than others. Are there cockroaches in Alberta? The answer is yes, there are cockroaches in Alberta. The main type of cockroach being the German Cockroach. In fact, there was a sudden increase of cockroach related…