man on fishing boat. Culling fish beyond possession limits is illegal in alberta

Is Culling Fish Allowed in Alberta Waters?

Fish culling is essentially the act of keeping your catch alive in a stringer, live well, or holding device of some kind while you continue fishing. The idea is that you could release it back into the water if you catch something more desirable, while staying within your catch limit. There are confusions on this…

people ice fishing at night with a tent. You can legally ice fish on beaver ponds and tributaries in Alberta, but only in certain places.
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Can You Ice Fish in Beaver Ponds in Alberta?

You may have noticed that Alberta takes mother nature very seriously. Wildlife management and conservation is a high priority in this province. For good reason, as there is plenty of life and beauty to maintain. It is important to check specific regulations in your area before you proceed with hunting or fishing. We can provide…

casually driving slow. It is legal to drive below the speed limit in alberta with a valid reason.

Is it Legal to Drive Below the Speed Limit in Alberta? Can You get a Ticket for Driving too Slow?

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt the need to go a bit slower on the highway? Were you concerned you might get in trouble for going too slow? Depending on the circumstances, you likely have nothing to worry about. There is not a one size fits all answer to this question,…

Fishing for Alberta trout on the dock of the lake. You can catch trout in Alberta.
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Can You Keep Trout in Alberta?

As you may already know, Alberta is well known for nature and wildlife conservation. There are a number of Provincial regulations and guidelines to protect the environment, as well as all the animals in that environment. These conservation efforts are based on the needs of the current situation. Therefore, the rules and regulations are fluid…

Canadian coins in palm of hand. There are legal limits on how many coins you can use in Canada.

Is There a Limit to How Many Coins You Can Pay with in Canada? Can a business refuse cash?

The Canadian Currency Act details all the rules and regulations of what you can and can’t do with coins. This includes limitations on how many of each denomination of coins you can use for a transaction. Is There a Limit to How Many Coins You Can Pay with in Canada? To be clear, there are…

photo of people holding siamese cat and chihuahua. Alberta does not have maximum limits on dog and cat ownership provincially.

How Many Pet Dogs or Cats can I Own in Alberta?

Alberta has tight rules on what animals you can have as pets, and which ones are controlled. The province is big on wildlife management. That being said, regular domestic cats and dogs are not on any of those lists. How many pet cats and dogs can I own in Alberta? There are no provincial limits…

You can not legally own a pet mole in alberta, canada.
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Can I Legally Own a Pet Mole in Alberta?

Any animal you desire to own can be checked against the Alberta Controlled Animals List. This is an official government wildlife management document that lists every controlled species in the province. A controlled animal may be completely restricted, or allowed under special permissions, such as licensing or permits. Most of the time, exceptions are only…

Shrews are controlled and can not be legally owned as pets in alberta, canada.
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Is it Legal to Have a Pet Shrew in Alberta?

The Alberta Controlled Animals document is an updated government list of animals you can not own without special licensing or permissions. If you are not sure about the legality of any animal in Alberta, you can check the list here. Are they on the list? Can you own a shrew as a pet in Alberta?…