alberta chiropractor with patient. a chiropractor in alberta can not prescribe medicine.

Can Chiropractors Write Prescriptions in Alberta?

Chiropractors in Alberta are trained professionals and well versed on the human body. Specifically the spine, muscles and nervous system. That being said, there are limitations to their scope of practising medicine. Can chiropractors write prescriptions in Alberta? No, a chiropractor in Alberta can not write prescriptions. However, they can order or perform x-rays and…

bc fresh water fisherman. You can not use your Alberta fishing license in bc.

Can I Use My Alberta Fishing License in B.C.?

Every province has a different manner of handling hunting and fishing licensing. The conservation needs vary from province to province. Can you use your fishing license from Alberta in British Colombia? No, you can not use your Alberta fishing license to fish in B.C. You need to buy a new fresh water fishing license from…

rental property. yes, a landlord can charge late fees for late rent.

Can a Landlord Charge Late Fees in Alberta?

The landlord and tenant agreement policies differ from province to province. Some provinces are very specific when it comes to how much can be charged in late fees. Some have a maximum dollar amount, some have a maximum percentage. Alberta laws on this matter are a little more open and vague. Can a landlord charge…

tenant door. you can refuse landlord entry in alberta if proper notice is not given.

Can a Tenant Refuse Entry to a Landlord in Alberta?

Alberta’s Landlord and Tenant laws stipulate rules for entry. There are circumstances when the landlord is allowed to enter the dwelling with or without permission and with proper notice. Can a tenant refuse to let a landlord to enter the home? Yes, a tenant can refuse entry to a landlord, but only in specific circumstances….

apprentice using hand saw. yes an apprentice can work alone in alberta.

Can an Apprentice Work Alone in Alberta?

Many laws and regulations are in place to protect workers in Alberta. The employment standards code, OHS and other rights and safety legislation exists to ensure a healthy and safe relationship between employers and employees. Can an apprentice be left to work alone in Alberta? The answer is yes, but only if the work is…

easter monday is not a stat holiday in alberta but good friday is a statutory holiday in alberta.

Is Easter Monday a Stat Holiday in Alberta?

Alberta has 9 total statutory holidays (General Holidays), and 3 optional holidays. Stat holidays in Alberta allow employees to have the day off with pay, and no obligation to work that day. If they do work, they are entitled to extra pay. So what about Easter Monday? Is Easter Monday a Stat Holiday in Alberta?…

a person holding lottery tickets. you can buy lotto tickets online legally in alberta.

Can I Buy Lottery Tickets Online in Alberta?

The AGLC (Alberta Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis) followed in the footsteps of other Canadian provinces in May of 2021. They allowed for regulated online gambling. Can you buy lottery tickets online in Alberta? The answer is yes, you can buy lotto tickets safely and securely online in Alberta. You have to prove you are 18…