drinking and driving in a car. In alberta, demerits stay on your record for 2 years.

How Long Do Demerit Points Last in Alberta?

When you commit an infraction that leads to demerit points, it ends up on your driving record. Too many of these and you get your license suspended. How long do demerit points stay on your drivers abstract in Alberta? Demerits stay on your driving record for 2 years in Alberta. It is 2 years from…

assorted bottle inside bar. The age of majority is 18 in Alberta Canada.
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What is the Age of Majority in Alberta?

The age of majority in Canada varies by province. This is the age when you are effectively a legal adult. This opens the door to being allowed to enter contracts, buy things or enter places that are restricted to minors. So what is that legal majority age in Alberta? What is the Age of Majority…

wild horses in green mountains. Alberta has feral horses west of calgary.
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Are There Wild Horses in Alberta?

Wild horses are usually reffered to as ”feral” horses. These are horses with no human owner or caregiver. Are there wild (feral) horses in Alberta? Yes, there are wild horses in the province of Alberta. Experts believe that many of these feral horses are the descendants of domesticated horses let loose in the early 1900s….

buildings in shape of canada maple leaf. Canada day is a stat holiday in alberta canada.
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Is Canada Day (July 1st) a Stat Holiday in Canada?

Canada Day, celebrated every July 1st, is more than just a day off—it’s a day of national pride. In Alberta, this holiday holds special significance for both employees and employers. Let’s explore what this statutory holiday means in Alberta and how it compares to other provinces. Is Canada Day a Statutory Holiday in Alberta? Yes,…

oil pump jack in the oil field. Alberta has a lot of oil because of the oil sands.
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Why is there So Much Oil in Alberta?

Canada has the 3rd most oil reserves in the world. The vast majority of Canada’s oil reserves are in Alberta. Therefore, Alberta is the main reason Canada ranks so high. Why is there so much oil in Alberta? Alberta has so much oil because of the abundant amount of oil sands, mostly in the Athabasca…

Alberta symbol. Alberta had the most residential schools.
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How Many Residential Schools Were in Alberta?

The Indigenous Residential School program operated in Canada from 1893 to 1996. Most of these boarding schools were located in Western Canada. Truth and Reconciliation Day was established to acknowledge and commemorate the tragic legacy of residential schools in Canada. This significant day honours the memory of the children who never made it back home…

edmonton is the capital city of alberta canada.
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What is the Capital City of Alberta, Canada? The Canadian City of Edmonton not Calgary

The capital city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is the home of the provincial government. It is the location of the Alberta Legislature Building where MLAs and the Premier meet to conduct governmental duties. Many people incorrectly assume that Calgary is the Alberta capital, as that City is the largest. That assumption is incorrect. What Alberta…

date calendar for holiday planning. You get paid for stat holidays in alberta, canada.
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Do I Get Paid For Stat Holidays In Alberta?

There are 9 statutory holidays in Alberta. They are federal holidays that are recognized provincially. These statutory holidays (stats), are also called General Holidays. These General Holidays are to be treated properly by employers according to the Employment Standards Code. Do I get paid for stat holidays in Alberta? The answer is yes, you get…