fishing in the evening off a rock. You can catch walleye in certain alberta lakes, but not all.
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Can You Keep Walleye in Alberta?

Alberta is well known for regulations and management when it comes to wildlife and nature in general. You must be up to date on what you can hunt or fish, as the rules change based on the conservation status at that time. Can you keep Walleye Fish you catch in Alberta? You can keep Walleye…

fisherman throwing fish net on lake. You can legally harvest up to 10 barbot ling fish in alberta.
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Can You Harvest Burbot (Ling) in Alberta?

The Alberta provincial government regularly updates rules and regulations on hunting and fishing as needed. Alberta takes wildlife and environmental management very seriously. Anything discussed here can change at any moment, and we will try our best to keep this information fresh. Burbot fish or “ling”, is a freshwater fish species found in cold-water habitats…

Canadian coins in palm of hand. There are legal limits on how many coins you can use in Canada.

Is There a Limit to How Many Coins You Can Pay with in Canada? Can a business refuse cash?

The Canadian Currency Act details all the rules and regulations of what you can and can’t do with coins. This includes limitations on how many of each denomination of coins you can use for a transaction. Is There a Limit to How Many Coins You Can Pay with in Canada? To be clear, there are…

photo of people holding siamese cat and chihuahua. Alberta does not have maximum limits on dog and cat ownership provincially.

How Many Pet Dogs or Cats can I Own in Alberta?

Alberta has tight rules on what animals you can have as pets, and which ones are controlled. The province is big on wildlife management. That being said, regular domestic cats and dogs are not on any of those lists. How many pet cats and dogs can I own in Alberta? There are no provincial limits…

Shrews are controlled and can not be legally owned as pets in alberta, canada.
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Is it Legal to Have a Pet Shrew in Alberta?

The Alberta Controlled Animals document is an updated government list of animals you can not own without special licensing or permissions. If you are not sure about the legality of any animal in Alberta, you can check the list here. Are they on the list? Can you own a shrew as a pet in Alberta?…

black crocodile lying on ground. You can not legally own a pet alligator or crocodile in Alberta, Canada.
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Can I keep a pet crocodile or alligator in Alberta?

Alberta has a list of legally controlled animals. These are all the animals broken down by species and type that are banned from owning casually. In some cases, you could get a permit or special allowances to own that animal, but this is usually zoos and other professional wildlife agencies. So what about alligators and…

Hospital beds. Alberta has 177 hospitals in the province.
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How Many Hospitals are there in Alberta?

Alberta has a variety of types of medical and patient care facilities. It is important to first be clear on the definition of “hospital” and “Acute Care Facility”, which we will do below. Let’s explore in more detail the question “How many hospitals are there in Alberta?” How many hospitals are there in Alberta? Alberta…

There are wild turkeys in alberta
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Are there Wild Turkeys in Alberta?

So you might be wondering if you can find wild turkeys in Alberta. There are wild boars, horses, and many other animals that run feral in the province of Alberta.  But are there Wild Turkeys roaming around in Alberta? Are there wild turkeys in Alberta? Yes, there are wild turkeys in Alberta. Wild turkeys were…

an alberta teacher teaching at a chalkboard. A breakdown of Alberta teacher salaries in CAD.

How Much Do Teachers Make in Alberta?

Obviously, teacher salaries vary wildly, depending on location, education level, type of teacher and so on. If you just need some general ballpark figures, we can help you out. We broke down Alberta teachers salary ranges by the type of teacher an education level/years of experience. The best way to answer this question is in…