red sedan in the middle of winter alberta forest. Alberta no longer has stickers for license plates.

Starting January 1, 2021, Alberta made a significant change. The Government of Alberta decided that license plates in Alberta no longer need yearly stickers.

Let’s take a further look at this Alberta-specific change, its implications, and what it means for Alberta residents.

Do I need a sticker for my Alberta license plate?

No, Alberta has eliminated the need for yearly license plate stickers.

  • How will Alberta law enforcement verify my plate?: Law enforcement in Alberta will use automated license plate readers.
  • Is the cost of Alberta registration changing?: No, Alberta’s license plate registration remains at $93 per year.

History of the Alberta License Plate Sticker

License plate stickers have been a long-standing practice in Alberta.

However, technological advancements have made these stickers unnecessary.

Alberta now joins other Canadian provinces like Quebec and Manitoba in discontinuing license plate stickers.

Provinces and License Plate Stickers

Province Requires Sticker
Alberta ✖️
Quebec ✖️
Manitoba ✖️
Northwest Territories ✖️
Saskatchewan ✖️
British Columbia ✔️
Ontario ✔️
Nova Scotia ✔️

Why the Change in Alberta?

The primary reason for this Alberta change is to reduce red tape.

The Government of Alberta expects to save approximately $1.2 million annually.

Do I Still Have to Renew my Registration in Alberta?

You still have to renew your vehicle registration every year. The license plate sticker removable is simply a logistical change.

Failure to renew your Alberta vehicle’s registration can result in penalties.

Alberta law enforcement agencies are equipped with automated license plate readers to check the validity of Alberta license plates.

Timing of your Vehicle registration in Alberta is still based on your initials according to the chart found here.

What if I Forget to Renew my Registration now that the License Plate Stickers are Gone?

With the absence of a physical sticker, it’s crucial for Alberta residents to keep track of their vehicle’s registration status.

Albertans can sign up for eReminders to receive notifications for both license plate and driver’s license renewals in Alberta.

How to Sign up for eReminders to Remember my Vehicle Registration Renewal?

Step 1: Visit the MyAlberta eServices Website

Go to the MyAlberta eServices Website here. Scroll down the page to where it says “Vehicle Registration”.

Follow the directions from there.

Frequently Asked Questions

What about farm vehicles and commercial vehicles in Alberta?

In Alberta, farm vehicles and prorated commercial vehicles participating in the International Registration Plan will still require a sticker.

Can I renew my Alberta registration online?

Yes, Alberta offers online renewal for Vehicle Registration.

See our other article about how to renew your vehicle registration online here.

In Summary

  • Alberta has eliminated the need for yearly license plate stickers.
  • Automated license plate readers will be used by Alberta law enforcement.
  • The cost for yearly license plate registration in Alberta remains at $93.
  • Albertans can sign up for eReminders for Alberta license plate and driver’s license renewals.
  • The change aligns Alberta with other Canadian provinces that have already eliminated license plate stickers.

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