Many people use hitchhiking as a regular mode of travel. Most people only do it in emergency situations. Sometimes you don’t have a choice.
But is it legal to hitchhike in Alberta?
Is hitchhiking legal in Alberta?
There is no legislation prohibiting hitchhiking in Alberta.
However, individual municipalities may have their own bylaws within city limits.
Hitchhiking outside city limits on provincial roads and highways is currently legal in Alberta, though not recommended.
Full Alberta Traffic Safety Act
Edmonton is an example of city where it is explicitly illegal to hitchhike within city limits.
Here is a screenshot of the Edmonton Hitchhiking Bylaw:

Check with your local bylaws before making your trip.
In Summary
- There is no provincial law against hitchhiking in Alberta, Canada.
- Some municipalities have their own bylaws, making hitchhiking illegal within town or city limits.
- Edmonton is an example of a city where hitchhiking is illegal.
- Generally speaking, anywhere that has laws forbidding hitchhiking, has allowable exceptions for emergency situations.
- While hitchhiking in most areas of Alberta is legal, authorities warn about the dangers of this activity, and strongly advise against it.