green leafed tree. You can spread ashes in Alberta legally.

Spreading ashes is a very popular type of ceremony. More and more people are choosing cremation in general as opposed to traditional burial.

It is important to do this responsibly and within the law.

Is it legal to spread ashes in Alberta?

It is legal to spread ashes in Alberta, but only if you follow a specific set of guidelines.

The following is taken from the official Alberta Guidance on Scattering Cremated Remains:

The scattering of cremated remains in Alberta, on lands regulated by the province of Alberta (public land) including within public waters, is not prohibited under provincial laws and regulations governing these areas, including the Public Lands Act, the Public Lands Administrative Regulation, the Water Act and the Water Regulations.


These guidelines are intended for Alberta Public Lands regulated and managed provincially.

Municipal lands and Federally managed lands may have their own rules. Make sure you understand the differences before you proceed.

Communicate with a Funeral Home if you are not sure.

You may also scatter ashes on private lands with the owner’s permission.

Cremated Remains Scattering Guidelines Summarized

  • Cremated remains must be completely pulverized with no foreign objects and no evidence of human remains.
  • Must be spread in a way that leaves no evidence of ashes. Don’t leave a big obvious pile of ashes.
  • Only biodegradable vessels can be used. You can’t leave behind non biodegradable items like urns etc, and you can’t leave things like plants or decorations.
  • Avoid developed areas or high public activity areas.
  • Avoid the depositing of high concentrations in one location.
  • If you are having a ceremony, it must be done in away that it does not impede with the enjoyment of other people using that space.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that cremated remains are not scattered near drinking water intakes or recreational water activities, such as swimming areas.

In Summary

  • It is not prohibited to spread ashes on Alberta Public Lands and Waterways, as long as the guidelines are being followed.
  • These guidelines are for public lands managed and regulated by the Provincial Government. There may be different rules or restrictions on municipal or Federal lands.
  • You can also scatter ashes on private lands with the permission of the land owner.

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