The age of majority in Canada varies by province. This is the age when you are effectively a legal adult.
This opens the door to being allowed to enter contracts, buy things or enter places that are restricted to minors.
So what is that legal majority age in Alberta?
What is the Age of Majority in Alberta?
The age of majority in Alberta is 18.
This means that when you are an Albertan, you officially, and legally become an adult on your 18th birthday.
Upon becoming the legal age of majority, you also cease to be the age of minority.
This is all according to the Age of Majority Act
Taken from the Age of Majority Act:
“Age of majority
1 Every person attains the age of majority and ceases to be a minor on attaining the age of 18 years.”

What am I Allowed to do When I Become the Age of Majority in Alberta?
Becoming 18 years old in Alberta opens the doors to a number of activities and services that are only accessible to adults.
Here is a list of things you can do in Alberta when you turn 18 years old:
- Get married
- Buy Alcohol
- Adopt a Pet
- Give Consent for Medical Treatment
- Change Your Name
- Sit on a Jury
- Request Information about Parents in Adoption Case
- Get a Credit Card
- Vote in an Election (Federal, Provincial, and Municipal)
- Write a Will
- Join the Canadian Armed Forces
- Gamble
- Sign a Contract
- Donate Blood
- Buy a Firearm
- Legally Purchase Cannabis
Some of the activities on this list can be done under the age of 18 with exceptions. For more details on each of these items, and a great run down on all the activities you can take part in by age in Alberta, view this document from the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (cplea).
In Summary
- The legal age of majority in Alberta is 18 years old.
- On your 18th birthday, you will become the age of majority in Alberta, and cease to be the age of minority.
- There is an act specifically for this purpose called the Alberta Age of Majority Act.
- There is a ling list of activities and services that are restricted to ”adult only” that you can now participate in.