black and white humming bird flying during daytime at bird feeder. When you should put out your hummingbird feeder in alberta.

The best time to put out hummingbird feeders in Alberta is in early May, as this aligns with the arrival of hummingbirds migrating north for the summer.

When to Put Out Hummingbird Feeders in Alberta

If you’re eager to attract hummingbirds to your yard, knowing the right time to set up your feeders is crucial.

This guide provides insights into the optimal timing for placing hummingbird feeders in Alberta, ensuring you create a welcoming environment for these vibrant birds.

Timing for Hummingbird Feeders

  1. Early May:
    • Why: Hummingbirds typically begin their migration to Alberta in early May. Setting up feeders at this time ensures that you provide a vital food source just as they arrive.
    • Benefits: By having feeders ready in early May, you can attract hummingbirds as they establish their feeding territories for the summer.
  2. Late April:
    • Why: If you want to be proactive, you can set up feeders in late April. This is especially useful if the spring is warm and the hummingbirds arrive slightly earlier.
    • Benefits: Early feeders can help early arrivals and ensure you don’t miss the first wave of migrating hummingbirds.

Maintaining Your Hummingbird Feeders

  1. Regular Cleaning:
    • Frequency: Clean your feeders at least once a week, and more frequently in hot weather.
    • Method: Use a solution of four parts water to one part white vinegar or a mild soap solution. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
  2. Fresh Nectar:
    • Recipe: Mix four parts water with one part white granulated sugar. Boil the mixture for two minutes to sterilize it, then let it cool before filling your feeders.
    • No Red Dye: Avoid using red dye in the nectar, as it can be harmful to hummingbirds.
  3. Monitoring:
    • Check Levels: Keep an eye on the nectar levels and refill as needed. Hummingbirds are attracted to consistent food sources.
    • Placement: Place feeders in shady areas to slow fermentation of the nectar and make the feeders more attractive to hummingbirds.

FAQs About Hummingbird Feeders in Alberta

How Long Should I Leave the Feeders Up?

Keep the feeders up until at least mid-September to accommodate late-migrating hummingbirds. Some may linger longer, especially if the fall is mild.

Can I Put Out Feeders in Winter?

In Alberta, it’s generally too cold for hummingbirds in winter, so it’s best to take feeders down once you haven’t seen any hummingbirds for a couple of weeks in the fall.

What Type of Feeder is Best?

Choose feeders that are easy to clean and fill. Feeders with perches allow hummingbirds to rest while feeding. Brightly colored feeders can help attract more birds.

Are There Any Special Considerations for Urban Areas?

In urban areas, place feeders away from busy streets and areas with high human activity to provide a safer and more peaceful feeding environment for the hummingbirds.

Final Thoughts on Hummingbird Feeders in Alberta

Setting up hummingbird feeders in early May ensures you provide a vital food source for migrating hummingbirds as they arrive in Alberta.

By maintaining clean feeders and fresh nectar, you can enjoy the beauty and activity of these vibrant birds throughout the summer months.

Key Points Summary

  • Early May is the best time to put out hummingbird feeders in Alberta.
  • Late April can be a proactive option for early arrivals.
  • Maintain feeders with regular cleaning and fresh nectar to attract and support hummingbirds.

Sources and Further Reading

  1. Alberta Birds – Hummingbird Migration
  2. Canadian Wildlife Federation – Hummingbird Feeding
  3. Hummingbird Society – Feeding Tips

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